
Areas of Research

Current Research:

Past Research:
Over 20 years of Research with The Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative

The Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative (MRCI) was borne out of over 20 years of experience executing CCUS research and projects in the American Midwest. Our goal in combining the two successful Department of Energy regional partnerships, the MRCSP and MGSC, into one larger scale initiative was to capitalize on our team’s  collective experience in this arena to successfully accelerate acceptance and deployment of carbon capture and storage in the Midwest, New England and Mid-Atlantic regions.

From this page, you can access our Regional Database, which allows you to search for information on past regional CCS projects using a variety of terms and state-by-state! Likewise, explore Papers and Presentations relevant to CCUS in the area, including those shared at our annual stakeholders and partners meeting as well as presentations team members have made in a variety of forums. Both our Case Studies and Other Regional Projects pages will be the places to find overviews on projects executed in the Initiative region by stakeholders and detailed information on active projects underway.

Our Past Research section has a user-friendly map of all projects done under the MRSCP and the MGSC, along with links to individual information on each project.

Past Areas of Research

Projects Across the US Midwest

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