
Rabbit Hash, KY – MRCSP East Bend Test

The MRCSP East Bend injection test was one of two injection tests conducted under the MRCSP Phase II (DOE-NETL Cooperative Agreement DE-FC26-05NT42589). The primary objective of the MRCSP East Bend injection test was to assess CO2 sequestration potential in the Mt. Simon sandstone, which is the largest potential geologic storage reservoir in the U.S. In addition, the test was aimed at providing information to help better understand the regional trends in the Mt. Simon as it is present across much of the Midwest. The injection site was located at Duke Energy’s East Bend Generating Station in Rabbit Hash, KY in proximity to a concentration of large, modern coal-fired power plants along the Ohio River and on the Cincinnati Arch. A total of 910 metric tons of liquid CO2 was injected over two days at a rate of 5 barrels per minute (1,200 metric tons/day or 400,000 metric tons/year). While the test volume was small, the test demonstrated good permeability and injectivity. A simple 2-year monitoring program mainly based on groundwater monitoring showed containment of CO2 with no evidence of leakage into shallower zones. This was the first injection of CO2 into the Mt. Simon Sandstone.
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