The Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative and co-leads the Illinois State Geological Survey and Battelle recently worked with the Illinois Oil and Gas Association (IOGA) to offer a pre-conference seminar on CCUS in advance of the IOGA recent annual meeting.
Entitled “CCUS, What It Is and What It Is and Why It Matters to You,” the seminar was modeled to provide a clear background on carbon capture, utilization, and storage to membership of the IOGA, which is primarily comprised of conventional oil and gas operators with interests in the Illinois Basin. This audience faces significant transformation in their industry due to the energy transition and the goal of this seminar was to explore the whys, whens, and hows of this impact and to help inspire them to look for opportunities in this change.
Presentations from the seminar included (click the hyperlinked text to access the PDF of the slides):
- “An Overview of the Battelle Carbon Services/Energy Resilience Group and the MRCI,” by Battelle’s Amber Conner and Evan Zeller
- “Why Carbon Capture and Storage?” by Battelle’s Srikanta Mishra
- “CCUS 101,” by Zeller
- “CO2 Storage and Injection Induced Seismicity,” by the Illinois State Geological Survey’s Sherilyn Williams-Stroud
- “CO2 Storage Resources Management System: Capacity the Reserves of Storage,” by the Illinois State Geological Survey’s Scott Frailey
- “MRCSP Michigan CO2/EOR Test,” by Conner
- “CO2 Storage in the Illinois Basin: Regional Studies and Site Characterization,” by the Illinois State Geological Survey’s Roland Okwen
- “CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Illinois Basin: Field Pilots,” by the Illinois State Geological Survey’s Nate Grigsby
- “A Navigator CO2 Case Study” by Navigator CO2’s Danielle Anderson
- “An Overview of Class VI Well Permitting,” by the Illinois State Geological Survey’s Carl Carman
“We were excited to work with the folks at IOGA to create this seminar,” says Joy Frank-Collins, MRCI Outreach Task Lead. “Sharing the research and expertise of the MRCI Team about this crucial component to decarbonization is one of our missions. We hope to partner with more industry and community groups to offer these sorts of educational opportunities across our region.”