Even though many people are just learning about CCUS, research into carbon capture, utilization, and storage has been going on for decades. Whether you’re interested in learning more about CCUS projects in your community, how you can get a project started at your company or organization, or how carbon storage can help slow climate change and foster climate resilience, there are resources to help you find the answers.
While we always hope you make the MRCI website your first stop for the latest information on CCUS, we want to point our visitors to the wealth of other CCUS-related information available out on the web.
National Energy Technology Laboratory Carbon Capture Program
Department of Energy office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Department of Energy Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership (CUSP)
Southeast Regional CO2 Utilization and Storage Acceleration Partnership (SECARB-USA)
Plains Carbon Dioxide Reduction Partnership (PCOR)
Center for Energy and Climate Solutions
International Energy Agency
Global CCS Institute
United States Geological Survey
From new modeling techniques to new tools to assist with community outreach to understanding changing regulations and requirements – things are moving fast in the CCUS space. Webinars provide us with a helpful means to pass along knowledge quickly to a wide audience.
In addition to hosting our own MRCI Webinar Series, we are pleased to provide visitors with access to webinars from industry and government partners.