
MRCI Data Shared at Innovations for Climate Resilience Conference

The first Innovations in Climate Resilience Conference, sponsored by Battelle and the NETL, took place nearly simultaneously with the AAPG. The MRCI Team was also well-represented among the hundreds of attendees and dozens of presenters discussing a breadth of solutions for the world’s most pressing issue.

Devin Dickson, who supports both Tasks 4 and 5, presented his first poster as a Battelle chemical engineer on Infrastructure Development for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage: An Example from Central Ohio, which he co-authored with Jared Hawkins, Mark Kelley, Neeraj Gupta, and Sallie Greenberg. 

Jared Hawkins offered an update on his research through his presentation, Addressing the Challenges of Infrastructure Development for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage. His co-authors were Priya Ravi Ganesh, C. Carman, Kris Carter, Devin Dickson, William Garnes, Glenn Larsen, Brandon Webster, Sallie Greenberg, and Neeraj Gupta.

MRCI co-PI Neeraj Gupta co-chaired the session Case Studies of Large-Scale CO2 Capture and Storage Projects.

And Task 3 Lead Joel Sminchak received the Emerging Innovator Award for his presentation, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage for Industrial Sources in the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative. His co-authors were Brandon Webster and Jared Hawkins.





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