
MRCI Participation in Annual COSI Science Festival a Hit Second Year in a Row

Porosity, Permeability, and CCS – Oh My!

MRCI Participation in Annual COSI Science Festival a Hit Second Year in a Row

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, The MRCI hosted an interactive display at the COSI (Center of Science and Industry) Big Science Celebration 2023 as one part of Battelle’s tent full of experiments and displays. Battelle, which co-leads the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative along with the Illinois State Geological Survey, is a “visionary” sponsor/partner of COSI, a nationally recognized science/discovery center in downtown Columbus, Ohio, and therefore had a large presence at the event.

This event was introduced in 2019 and is extremely well-advertised, attracting families from across the state of Ohio. Lasting five-hours total, The Big Science Celebration featured over 100 STEM exhibitors and was the culminating event of a four-day celebration of science across the state.

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