
MRCSP Research Now Available

MRCSP Carbon Storage Program Research Now Available!

In early 2021, a multi-disciplinary team representing some the nation’s leaders in research, industry, and technology concluded nearly 20 years of work on the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) Carbon Storage Program. Formed in 2003, the collaborative initiative worked to assess the technical potential, economic viability, and public acceptability of carbon storage in ten states in the Midwestern U.S.

Lead by scientists from Battelle and complemented by local and regional geology expertise from state geological surveys and universities and the participation of national laboratories and several major energy companies, the MRCSP has provided project leaders with a deep and comprehensive expertise in translating preliminary scoping and feasibility studies of CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage) into successful field-scale projects that demonstrate the safe and efficient storage of more than a million metric tons of CO2. Additionally, the project involved extensive procurement efforts worth more than $50 million, with more than 50 research, commercial services, and supply-related businesses in compliance with US federal acquisition regulations.

Participants have made numerous findings over the course of nearly two decades of investigation that have contributed to the advancement of the process of CCUS. And now, they are making that research available to the public via the MRCSP Research Library! Housed on the website midwestccus.org, this library features nearly 30 papers that represent the collective work of hundreds of scientists working towards enhancing the effectiveness of energy exploration and solving the most pressing issues facing the globe.

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