Episode 3 of the 2022 eGeos Podcast, brought to you by the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative, is out now!
In this episode, host Rachelle Kernen has a conversation with Kristin Carter, Assistant State Geologist of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey and manager of its Economic Geology Division. The pair discuss challenges facing CCUS in the state of Pennsylvania, how projects like the MRCI are helping to advance deployment and acceptance of CCUS across the country, and Kris offers practical advice for those looking to enter the CCUS career-sector.
Listen to the eGeos Podcast, brought to you by the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or whatever platform you tune in on!
About Kristin Carter, P.G., C.P.G.
Carter serves as Assistant State Geologist of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey and manages its Economic Geology Division, comprised of the Petroleum and Subsurface Geology (Pittsburgh) and Mineral Resource Analysis (Harrisburg) Sections. Kris leads DCNR’s Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) inter-agency work group, and her research efforts include geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, unconventional oil and gas reservoir characterization, and storage reservoir assessments. She also serves as Pennsylvania’s Primary Investigator for the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative (MRCI) Project, assisting Battelle as a technical lead for Task 4 – Evaluating Regional Infrastructure. Prior to joining the Survey, she worked as a consulting hydrogeologist in the private sector for almost a decade. Kris holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology/Environmental Science (double major) from Allegheny College (Meadville, PA) and a Master of Science degree in Geological Sciences from Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA), where she completed her graduate research on the relationship between fluid geochemistry and rock intrinsic permeability in Appalachian basin sandstones.
About eGeos
Hosted by Dr. Rachelle Kernen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Australian School of Petroleum & Energy Resources at the University of Adelaide, the eGeos podcast in 2022 is taking a deep dive into the subject of carbon capture, utilization, and storage thanks to a new partnership with the MRCI. Future episodes will include discussions with members of our team and researchers from the other Regional Initiatives, as well as outside experts in a variety of CCUS-related fields.