Our friends at the International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Program (IEAGHG) are hosting two upcoming webinars related to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28, which took place November 30-December 12 in Dubai.
COP28 Reflections, a conversation with IEAGHGs Tim Dixon and CCSAs Ruth Herbert
9 am – 10 am EST, Tuesday, December 19, 2023
With a wealth of experience working in CCS, Tim has been actively involved in representing CCS in the UNFCCC and various international agreements since 2004. Drawing from his extensive background, Tim will share his initial reflections on COP28, providing valuable insights gained from his participation in previous COP events. Having attended three consecutive COPs on behalf of the industry as the CEO of the CCSA, Ruth will bring a business perspective on the UNFCCC process and the activity outside of the official negotiations. Co-hosted by the United Kingdom Carbon Capture and Storage Research Community (UKCCS).
Unpacking COP28: In-depth analysis and insights with Arthur Lee
9 am – 10 am EST, Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Take a deep dive into COP28 and unpack its global implications with thought leaders and COP veterans Arthur Lee and Tim Dixon. Featuring a detailed analysis of the COP28 outcomes of both the public announcements and the behind-the-scenes action. They will bring powerful insights from a complex conference of almost 200 nations and over 70,000 delegates.