
MRCSP Reports

MRCI - Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative

The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Project was a nearly 20-year DOE-funded project that made significant advances in CCUS research and feasibility.

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MRCSP Research Reports

immiscible enhanced recovery projects. In addition, the team prepared structure and isopach maps for prospective formations, as well as assessments of gross and net porosity of these units. Once prospective localities were identified, the Geoteam selected a short list of oil fields in each of the three states for assessment for case study preparation.

The mid-Atlantic onshore studies were led by Rutgers University and the report focuses on the onshore New Jersey-Delaware-Maryland Coastal Plains and the northern Baltimore Canyon Trough (BCT). Lower to mid-Cretaceous age rock formations were identified on the onshore Mid-Atlantic U.S. Coastal Plain and offshore northern BCT that show great potential as reservoirs for carbon sequestration. These targets are constrained using a sequence stratigraphic approach by integration of multi-channel seismic, geophysical well-log, core, and biostratigraphic datasets. In the onshore coastal plain of New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, the Lower Cretaceous Waste Gate Formation and mid-Cretaceous Potomac Formation/Group were divided into three major sequences (Waste Gate-Potomac Unit I, Potomac Unit II, and Potomac Unit III). The analysis concluded that Waste Gate-Potomac Unit I sequence is most suitable for carbon storage, as it has thick, correlatable sands in New Jersey and Maryland that are well confined in New Jersey and could store potentially large volumes of CO2 (~ 8-34 Gt). In the offshore, we evaluate the mid-Cretaceous Logan Canyon Formation which we divide into three sequences which show potential for large volumes of CO2 storage (~5.9 Gt on the Great Stone Dome (GSD). The Logan Canyon Sands are an excellent target for carbon storage in the offshore BCT; they are thick, correlatable sands with high permeabilities and porosities, and are confined by the thick Dawson Canyon Shale. Sands are particularly thick, porous, and very permeable in wells on the GSD, which provides a great structural trap, and as such is a world-class target for carbon sequestration.

Geologists from the Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) completed the Assessment of Storage for Ordovician-Cambrian units. This task has the support of Kentucky Geological Survey, Western Michigan University, Ohio Division of Geological Survey (ODGS), and Pennsylvania Geological Survey (PAGS). This report concerns the Ordovician-Cambrian reservoirs and seals and presents the methodology and results of storage resource estimates for the region. This is followed by a discussion of the potential of the Maquoketa Group and equivalent units as a seal and on the seal/reservoir of the Trenton Limestone, Knox Supergroup, and their equivalent units in the MRCSP region.

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